
Thanks for stopping by. I have put this blog together to help me learn and hopefully help some other people along the way. I have also started freelancing, so have lots of free time 😆 to write… If you do want to hire me, you can contact me on Twitter @natenatters.

I plan to post on topics that I find interesting myself, and some I feel are missing from the community at the moment. These are around:

  • Laravel - I have used this framework for the past 8 years on all major projects and dont plan on changing any time soon.
  • Laravel coding - I like Laravel Shift for version updates, but mostly for the other stuff.
  • Laravel TDD - I have been testing with Laravel for years and will try to have a minor focus on this throughout my articles.
  • No-code Laravel - I have seen lots of nocode tools appear and want to investigate how they can be used to extend our Laravel applications.

Uses Link to heading

I am using a Macbook Pro (13-inch 2016), Apple keyboard and mouse. I sometimes use a monitor if available where I am staying.

Macbook Pro overview

I use PHPStorm.

I use Docker (I like to keep my OS clean), see Hugo and Docker. This is especially useful as macOS doesnt come with PHP anymore, so each project has the expected version of PHP, MySQL and any extensions/ configuration it needs.

Want to use Link to heading

GitHub Copilot - I used it in the free beta and was impressed! I want to try it now the languges supported has grown more.

Laravel Nova - I used it once and liked to see the source code. I want to look into it more and for more modern versions.

Laravel Vapor - I used it once and found it fairly easy to setup. I want to look into the instances it creates and see how different it is from my default production hosting and local development approach.

Laravel DDD - I have never found a nice way to separate my larger projects up, so researching DDD, but applied to Laravel.

Outro Link to heading

This blog is to help me remember what I have done, hopefully teach others and get feedback and learn from others.

Please let me know if you have tried this, or have any different thoughts on Twitter @natenatters.